Nayomi Apsara.....
I first met her at one of my previouse working places.... I was doing the DTP, Video editing stuff there... ( It was a video studio) She was sent there to be trained in the graphic design, you know to work with me and learn in the process...... and I met one of the best friends that I ever had (and have).... She was as equally as crazy like me and we did have a nice super time... specially comparing to the other loosers who worked there... we very well prefferd each others company...
After some time of working together, I took upon studies again..... I started the fashion design classes that lead me to my current career and moved out from that place where I was working... I was consumed by fashion design course... I was eternally busy running around trying to finish the assignments and all... which gradually lead us not to meet eachother like we used to... later on she also moved out.. started working became busy in her own things and we completely lost touch....
I started my work... moved to Colombo..... and for lies sometime last week I came across the familiar name in Skype...
Frinedship is great... No matter how far or distansed you might get... withing minutes it turns to be just like the same old thing we used to have..... all you ever have to do it to update ur selves... it can be so unconditional....
So this one goes out to my good friend..... who is doing very well now.... Congrads my friend... I wish you well... and thanks for being my friend.....
Shan Shan Shan... What can I say about you?? Yeah.. You are the best thing I gained from hanging out there.. No matter how far you were.. You were always in my heart and always will be.. Good Luck Shan..
tell her that it's not enough just keeping in her heart? what's the use from that anyway?
Ha Ha... she's gonna get a heart attak!!!!
i love moments like that.... been thru them a couple of times... it's sorta like a lovely re-union that just feels marvellous!
How come I happen to know both of you so well? Strange... And there's news for both... Shan I found your NFS CD and Aspara, I found your Clip CD :) Both CDs are doing fine on my desk at home :) Cheers.
Hey Hofty Crofty.. never knew that you knew her!!! fine woman she is...
and you bugger better return my CD.... that and a couple of more hundred of CD's of mine which are in ur possession....
neo craft??? kawda meyy????
MANOOOOOOOOO..... give me my CLIP CDsss.. C u at the mathale installation..
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