This time it consisted five different Ranges that expands to about 22 different styles (without the color breakdowns!!!) Uses Embroidery, prints, embosses leather/PVC synthetics/Cotton Canvas/Linen and for all this... a little less than a month to source the material, develop and do the patterns and do the samples...
The last two samples are almost done, we've checked packed, ready to courier!!!
After all the pain that we went through... the grey matter I burned, sleepless nights and running around the whole bloody country side looking and developing the material and other things needed.... its finally done... Usually this particular custommer comes up with weired stuff that is almost impossible to do!!!
Despite all the blood and tears.... do you know the beauty of this job??? you scroll down and you'll see....

these are a few of the items that we develped... Now.... I'm not supposed to publish these... but then again... I wanted you guys to see...
I don't know if it shows properly but all these items are leather!!! we have one ladies Hand bag, a gent's bag (canvas and leather) a unisex leather tooled belt and a gent's belt... well its just a few of the designs we developed!!! Hopefully no one will see these and copy em coz these are meant for A/W 07 ( a matter of confidentiality in designs).... so thats why I've posted small crappy pics....Now lets see what the buyer will say... we have our fingers crossed!!!
Cool!! U got some creative shit going out there brother. I cant actually comment on the handbags so I will hand over the job to LD. I think the brown color belt looks cool. And I like the designes on it too. Some thing looks like the urben style nowwa days.Well I hope thats what the buyers have in mind too. Good luck with that mate.
hey......the ladies handbag design looks complicated and suits well to a person who likes abstract art and wants to show something more than simplicity..:) but it looks pretty's just that im not into much design as that, just simpler ones and mostly black leather..:)
and yes the brown belt looks very hip though..:) when am i going to get my wallet? i want it black ok..;)
definitely creative i would say..:) u've got an eye for design..:) that's a great gift, apart frm ur writing abilities..:)
hey thanks people...
and the belt FM I myself am in love with it... went through quite alot of shit trying get it done the way we want it... the real thing looks much more better than in the pictures... and u are right abouth the urban style.. it is the theme... thats how it came out... I'll try to post a detailed art-work....
and LD, its not that complicated.. it shows that because of the heavy use of colors in the embroidery... and the whipping on the handles... Again to go with the theme... Urban thingi... Originally inspired by a chinese piece of enbroidery... If you look at the colors you'd notice... and LD tell me what kinda wallet u want??? and how on eath am i gonna give it to ya??? :)
well...send me a nice wallet, a black one...something nice and girly..:) and u can post it to me..:) make sure it's not too big and heavy..:) is that ok? im soooo excited!!:)like a little girl receiving her first b'day gift of the year...hehee
abt the handbag comment, yes i think it's the mix of colours that gives the sophisticated look..
Well Divine why not send him a girl ( who is not big and heavy!!) in return eh? That guys is wearing off his butt to design these stuff. Show some appreciation hak hak.
check if the aaddy is correct;
Lady Devine,
po box No Idea,
Sowhere in Colombo.
Good Idea FM... but big and heavy is NOT my type at all... slim and tall in more like it!!!! ;)
A GIRL??????? hmmm.....tell me ur type and i'l try... i'll give u my address..:)but i need ur e-mail addy to send it..
aham guys dont think Im interrupting ur conversation. LD send me one gal too if you dont mind. Thank you!
i thought u were over it....... tell me ur specifications and i'll do my best!!:)
BTW -guys try not to miss me too much tomorrow and day after...;P...till monday..;)
What ? U thought im over it? No lady now thats a way too wrong idea. Im pretty much in it. I have quite an interesting specs though. Some what complicated I must say. Well those are not very good to expess in a open forum like this.
Well we sure will miss u dear. Ur a part of our day now.
awwww...dat was sooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet... im seriously gonna miss u guys.... but i'll be back..u can mail me ur specs then..:)
obviously we're gonna miss you.. strange as it seems... with all the work on my back I still try to find sometime to log on and check on what you guys have to say!!!
thats some major wicked stuff.. totally awesome.... do you do personal orders?!?!?! :-D im serious.. cos im so dead tired of lookin for that perfect belt i have in my mind. i do some design for hand bangs n stuff when in some mood.. heheh but good stuff man...
LD: we all sure wud miss you...
Well.. L$... Nice to hear that you ppl like the designs... and great to hear that you are in to that stuff too.. can i see a few sometime???
and.. not exactly personnal orders... but maybe as a favour for a friend.. but depends on the material and the complexicity of the stuff.. coz moulds and dies, metal fittings and some leather costs a fortune.. and we hardly can do anything about it other than adding them up to the development costs to the buyer...
some of these stuff has really cost us alot to develop... but the target prices are low!!! not that easy to compete with china because of that... do you guys know that the company that I work with is one of a kind in SL?? For hand bags belts and sutff??? of coz for shoes we have a few... but for other goods.. Nah....
but design is like a fire in me. when i just finish the intricate tatoo design or UI or jewelery or some fashion accessory, there is so much excitement. we dont have to be big dig to BAMM enter, start off small, you've got fashion/apparell contacts, FM in telecom/AV, LD on Marketing its all good mate think about it...
well thats a way to start it... if your really concentrating on it...
I myself had some ideas.. weired ones one might call.. and even put to action... and kinda worked out and still dropped off due to lack of time to continue.... but they went well!!!
ignore the prev comment,
Well it'd be nothin much, a simple matt black leather about 1-1 1/2" inch with, the buckle is most hardest. it shud be plain. let me try to put it on cgi or just do it up on illustrator when i get back to sl n find a proper mouse. i think ma touchpad is losin its pressure sensitive. :D hehe
Lost soul - never thought u were into share some of them..:) see, i've got a whole load of talentd guys!!:)i mean friends..:) heheee
well its like phase of my life or another personality dwells in ma body does all the crazy stuff on any piece of length of paper, or sometimes any medium, wall, tables, chairs and then leaves my body to me.. :-) hehe im tryin to get some stuff into then maybe i put up my art work, my own gallery ;-)
L$ dude.. I'm not gonna invite you to my place!! I dont' want ppl scribbling on my mom's furniture!!! she'll kick me out!! ha ha ha .. try to stick to the sketch pads!!
I'm kidding bro..
seriously.. send some stuff for us to see... it'll be interesting!!!!
hmmm nah man, i wudnt do that at other ppl's place.. :-) but wht if she likes ma deco art?? hehe ever thought about tht...sure wud post ya some pics, everythin is just in paper. most i cant re-draw digitaly i get a graphic tablet.. did u manage to get any info on tht??
I'll be damn jealouse if she does.. coz i've got my ass kicked for doing that!!!! ha ha.. nah.. it'll be fine.. and sorry mate.. I really was kept busy with office work... Will check in to them!!!
and as for ur stuff... scan em and send it through.. nothing like seeing the realy stuff that u've done by hand!!!
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