Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The True Values...........
And all good things should come to an end...
After a few decades of service... he retired... we returned to our home in Kandy again.... which was not occupied for a long time...
now before continuing any longer... let me tell you a bit about my family...
My parents have four children... all boys... making my mom the ONLY female in the family...
Eldest son - he turned in to an army man... a captain... the second - In the electronics and telecommunication field working for an ISP as an engineer. He is married and settled down living in Kadawatha and is expecting to be a father in another few months... I’m so excited and looking forward for that!!!!
Third - that’s me... and fourth my younger brother; after doing his A/L, he took upon robes, he is Buddhist monk.
so right now everyone is out of Kandy (or Home if you consider my monk brother...)
two weeks after his retirement on a Wednesday my father called me up and asked if I'd be coming to Kandy?? now... with all business and work my father had... we never were as close as I wanted him to be with us... he always kept a distance and we couldn't joke with him and all that... he was serious and always expected to be treated with respect... still he wanted us around... He gets annoyed if the kids and the wife is not at home when he returns home after work!!
well anyway... he called me up and I thought that I'd going home that weekend...
So with all the work on my back... I took the Saturday off.... and left early on the Saturday morning...
I looked home at around 9.30 A.m. I opened the gate slowly to see my father working in the garden... the house was white-washed, garden being taken care of... it looked alive after a long time...
my father was in a pair of shorts working on a flower bed, and my mom was standing next to him with a cup of tea for him... (My mom; only a few months younger to him will retire in a few months... she is a graduate teacher...) and they were laughing about something...
they stopped laughing and turned around at the gate to see who is entered... they looked happy.... so much alive and happy... content...
I stopped dead for a moment holding the gate... I knew what I wanted in my life... in my relationships... I knew how I wanted to be when I reached towards the end of my life...
My parents were getting old... what was once beautiful and attractive is not that anymore, they're running out of energy and decaying is overtaking them... their siblings moved out of the nest and no longer with them... All they have is each other...
The meaning of the word "partner" struck like a thunderbolt... look at them... after all these years... still enjoying the companionship... still sharing everything... still being the people whom turn to.... helping each other through out in everyway to lead a good life....
I see the young couple who are married only for a couple of years and already their families are almost shattered... I've seen girls holding on to a marriage only because of their children... what are they heading in to... how are they going to survive at that stage???
at the end of the day.. all the beauty will be gone and money and all the worldly things will loose its value... all your children will have to move out and find their own way.... it'll be only you and your partner and the ability to keep each others companionship will be THE thing that keep us going...
so stop... and think for a while... what do we really want from a relationship??... What is it that we have to look for in a partner??... What do we want that the end of the days...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
A few words of wisdom.....
Maya Angelou (born Marguerite Johnson April 4, 1928) is an American poet, memoirist, actress and an important figure in the American Civil Rights Movement.
Angelou is known for the autobiographical writings I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969) and All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes (1986). In most of her biographies, she intended in helping people, especially children, who were struggling in life. Her volume of poetry, Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I Die (1971) was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, and in 1993, Angelou read her poem On the Pulse of Morning written for Bill Clinton's Presidential inauguration at his request. It was only the second time in
Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday.
Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older.
And, there on television, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every day...like her breasts.
They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first.
The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!!
Maya Angelou said this:
"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
"I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."
"I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Friday, October 27, 2006
Everybody Hurts.....
Everybody hurts.... Yes... but do try to hold on... Coz whatever it is... it will come to pass...
Every Body Hurts - R.E.M
(Automatic for the People)
When your day is long and the night,
The night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough
With this life,
Well hang on
Don't let yourself go,
'Couse everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes
Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along
When your days is night alone,
If you feel like letting go,
When you think you've had too much
Of this life,
Well hang on
Everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand
Oh, no
Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone,
No, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life,
The days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much
Of this life to hang on
Sometimes everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes
So, hold on, hold on, hold on...
(Everybody hurts... You are not alone)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Another good Joke that I'd like to share....
"Oh Pedro, what is that?" Pedro being very quick thinking said:
"Maria, I am the only man in the world with one of these."
And, then, he proceeded to show her what it was for, and Maria was happy.
The next morning Pedro went off to work as usual. When he returned home that evening, Maria was on the front porch obviously upset about something.
"Pedro, you told me that you were the only man in the world with one of those, and I saw Gonzalez the gardener changing his clothes behind the shed, and he had one, too." Thinking fast, Pedro said:
"Oh, Maria, Gonzalez is my very best friend. I had two of them. So, I gave him one. He is the only other man in the world with one of those." Maria being very stupid accepted his answer and they did their thing again that night.
Pedro went off to work again the next morning and when he returned home, Maria was very upset, stamping her foot on the porch. Pedro said: "Maria, what is the matter now?"
"Pedro, you have given Gonzalez the best one !!"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
After a looooooong few stressing weeks........ we're done!!!!
This time it consisted five different Ranges that expands to about 22 different styles (without the color breakdowns!!!) Uses Embroidery, prints, embosses leather/PVC synthetics/Cotton Canvas/Linen and for all this... a little less than a month to source the material, develop and do the patterns and do the samples...
The last two samples are almost done, we've checked packed, ready to courier!!!
After all the pain that we went through... the grey matter I burned, sleepless nights and running around the whole bloody country side looking and developing the material and other things needed.... its finally done... Usually this particular custommer comes up with weired stuff that is almost impossible to do!!!
Despite all the blood and tears.... do you know the beauty of this job??? you scroll down and you'll see....

these are a few of the items that we develped... Now.... I'm not supposed to publish these... but then again... I wanted you guys to see...
I don't know if it shows properly but all these items are leather!!! we have one ladies Hand bag, a gent's bag (canvas and leather) a unisex leather tooled belt and a gent's belt... well its just a few of the designs we developed!!! Hopefully no one will see these and copy em coz these are meant for A/W 07 ( a matter of confidentiality in designs).... so thats why I've posted small crappy pics....Now lets see what the buyer will say... we have our fingers crossed!!!
It's my birthday today!!!!!!
Not long ago, I finished my A/L and was thinking what to do!! I t tell you.. I was clueless what I wanted to become... I remember thinking to myself what would i be when I'm 25 or something like that!!!
and when I hit 25... it was funny coz I noticed that nothing much has changed... or maybe the change was so sublte that I've not noticed it... (when i come to think of it... since I'm the one who went through it... I might have not noticed it...)
now I've finished the 26th year of my life....
I'm confused... I still love playing PC games.... I spend all my money in upgrading the PC buying gadgets and stuff.... not quite mature according to others... :) but then again.... who can justify??
and in the other hand... I have plans for myself..... those I'm working towards... at least i'm trying to....
well anyway... its my birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY THACKSHILA..........
Saturday, October 21, 2006
He sat still, His curly hair untidy as ever… His long sharp eyes piercing through the square shaped spectacles…..not amputating his gaze away from her pretty face; the prettiest eyes that he has seen… trying to feel what he really felt inside… Love?? Hatred?? A complicated mixture of it??… What is this empty feeling, the numbness that prevents him from feeling anything but a blunt hurt??? He blinked once and spent another thirty seconds trying to decipher his own feelings….
The refreshing warm smell of the hot chocolate, light soft music and the soft lit orange walls made his mind race back to a past that he didn’t know if he wants to remember or forget!! He slowly leaned back to the comfortable leather sofa and closed his eyes… blinding himself from her pretty face… letting his mind race back through time… remembering the very moment that triggered the whole chain reaction.
How fast time flies??? He focused back at her pretty face…. “Angel”… he called her as he did all this time… trying to see her reaction… the numbness of the mind came over him again… he opened his eyes half way and the uncertainty that clouded him made him closed them again… scared to see her reaction…
His racing mind stopped at a point of time…. The rainy afternoon, dimly lit room…. She looked back at him…. “If you don’t like to call her in her short name that everyone else uses…. What would you call her??”
Leaning back on the sofa with eyes still closed… a pleasant smile lightened his face after a long time… in his mind before his eyes he could see the memories play like a short movie….
He tilted his face slightly… with a smile spreading on his face… his eyes with the same piercing look with full of affection that overwhelmed her heart….
“I’ll call her angel” he said softly….
Still looking at her he could see her heart leaping with joy… her angel eyes giving away all the details of what went through her mind… he felt a warm feeling that filled him with joy…. The happiness to see her happy… a satisfaction and a rewarding feeling of being the person that made her happy…
He let out sigh… tilted his head down… and opened his eyes… the steam that was once proudly sending the sweet aroma of the hot chocolate was plummeting…
He slowly picked the mug and let a small sip… letting the warm taste of cocoa to refresh his whole body…
He slowly kept the mug back on the coaster… leaned back closing his eyes again… letting his mind wander again...
“You left.... leaving me here alone…..” she said in a complaining voice….
“Sorry sweetie it was an emergency… this is real important….” There was a small silence… he felt his heart getting heavier with every passing moment….
“Driver…. Turn the vehicle around!! I forgot something important….” “Liar” he thought to him self…. “What am I doing…?” He asked himself…. But somewhere deep down he knew what was about to happen….
He jumped out of the vehicle…. A small drizzle was coming down…. He ran in…
“Hey...” he called out.
She turned around in surprise…
“You came back?”
“Yeah… told them that I forgot something…” he chuckled… gazing at her angel eyes… again they were talking to him…
His mind spoke to him... "yeah you did forget something..."
They stepped closer to each other… and a bit closer…. He knew… she knew… he could feel her warm breath on him…. They closed their eyes…. Letting themselves to get carried away for a beautiful two seconds… letting the warmth of the first kiss to flood there mind and bodies…
She withdrew.... “This is not right….” “I don’t know… I don’t know if this is right…..”
She turned around and looked at him with a plea in her eye….
“Its ok angel… I understand….” He didn’t want think if it’s right or wrong… knowing that it’s just a beginning… whatever it is…. He had his mind set….
He opened his eyes… the hot chocolate still laying in front of him... the dimly lit orange walls still looking the same as it was back then…
He looked at the empty seat in front of him… wishing that she was still there with him… he wanted to tell her that it’s been an year…
“Yes angel… it’s been a year since we’ve first kissed…”
The same numbness started to fill his heart…. He leaned back and closed his eyes… still not knowing if he wants to remember or forget….
Thackhshila - Oct, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Pissu Kella!!!!!
I'm quite positive that this young pup who is nothin more than 16 was recorded by her boyfriend... the way she speaks is quite genuine and hardly can be an act.... What she says in the clip, the conversation that they have does sound genuine... that kinda coverse and lingo can be heard among average teens!!!
For a lot of people that video clip was humerous and entertaining!!! but what I saw was a total disaster that draws a huge dark cloud over that girls life... her whole future!!!! Whatever said and done this is still Sri Lanka and people are still narrow minded and naive.... and above all traditional.... and women; (maye not as much in India, and even though its getting better by the day) are constantly looked down upon at!!! its ok for a man to go around doing all the things... but a moment a woman does something it becomes a huge social issue (Now people i'm talking about the "average" people in SL)
This asshole who recorded the video and publizised it has totally done the deal... I won't be surpized if the word has already reached her people and half of her realtives has already seen the clip!!! coz that kinda news has wings in Sri Lanka.... Its a terrible way to detray the very woman who loves you.... she must've trusted him alot... thats why she must've allowed him to capture her on video like that...
So girls pls watch out... the very person whom you love and trust might mis-use it and can bring the doom in your life simply because he is an insensitve p***k who really doesn't value or respect you..... specially you young ones.... people can be real jack asses sometimes!!!
and all you people who recieved it.... pls stop circulating the clip... it might be fun for all you guys.... but it just might ruin the life of that girl..... so please delete it.... you can find other means to have fun!!
- Five people forwarded this to me... one person from Aussie and One from UK, and trust me in all the mails the list of the people whom they've forward it to was huge!!! - that is how far it has gone!!!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
To the best school of all......
I'm not trying to promote the school I love.... but want to show my gratitude to her by saying to the world what wonders she has done to us!!! It indeed is "The Best school of all"
A friend and fellow Old Thomian, related an experience he had last week which I thought was truly worthwhile recounting to you.
"The highlight of my holiday last week in Aucklandwas watching the touring Trinity College Rugby team play and represent the school at large. What fine ambassadors these young men were to their school and country.
I first met with them one evening when our hosts in Aucklandinvited us to accompany them to the hostel where the team was billeted. I was introduced to the TCK Rugby captain for next year, a Wanigasekera boy and what fine manners he displayed as he conducted himself in conversation and discussion. The TCK team had come to New Zealandto get experience ahead of next year's season. This therefore meant that senior players who had contributed to the success of the just concluded season were not able to travel. This was not a trip for fun and reward for a great season but as a tour to gain experience for becoming better for next year!! The team manager's son who had been a senior was also not ruled to travel since this was for building next year's side and not for reward! Apparently when the TCK team walked through the immigration at Aucklandairport they cut such striking figures that they caught the attention of most around at that time.
The team itself played two games, losing one narrowly and winning one by a huge margin. The Rugby Skills displayed was fantastic especially the way the team including the backs would set up for rucking and 'phase' plays. The team would go into several phases and engage the opposition completely especially the larger built 'Kiwi' schoolboys. The backs would run the ball with excellent running skills which would have made any Super 14 team stop and take notice! After the second game, the young captain made a very good speech thanking their hosts for the arrangements and the Auckland RFU and the NZRFU for their support. He also wished the losing opposition and congratulated the victorious TCK team and did all of this like a seasoned veteran!
No doubt the highlight of the tour was when the TCK team had been invited to be present and take part in a practice session with the Auckland Air New Zealand National Provincial Championship team and much to the team's delight and luck had Graham Henry, the All Blacks coach who was also present to watch the practice, spend 30-45 minutes in a coaching session with the TCK team at the scrum machine!!! After this the TCK forwards were allowed the opportunity to practice line out skills against the Auckland team which had the All Black lock forward Ali Williams jumping for the ball with All Blacks Hooker Keven Meelamu throwing the ball into the line out!! And the TCK backs had the opportunity of practicing with the Aucklandbacks which included All Black wingers Joe Rokocoko and Doug Howlett !!! What amazing experience this would have been to a young team of schoolboy rugby players. The team also went on to watch a quarter final NPC match between Aucklandand Bayof Plenty.
This team will be strong force to play against for any school team in the next season.
The parents and Old Boys of TCK in Sri Lankaand New Zealandand possibly elsewhere had helped with putting the tour together."
That was his account. For our part, the Old Thomians here in New Zealand, hope we can organize ourselves just as well sometime in the not too distant future.
With Best Wishes to all….
Monday, October 16, 2006
and thats how fast the weather can change!!!
I'm not complaining about rain.... I never did... I alwasys enjoyed a little bit of rain.... but when it started raining right at the time when I was gonna step out of the office.... well that sucks!!!!
Still I'm happier and better off with rain (Yeah I know that most of you will think that I'm crazy or something...) but than hot burning sun where you get barbequed alive and start sweating all over.... I really won't mind getting a little wet...... !!!
One messed up thing about raining in Colombo is the stupid roads getting flooded!! I mean its THE most crapiest thing I've ever seen... when it rains all the water goes in the road not in the drains... obviousely the water cannot go in the drains coz the stupid drains has got blocked by all the stuff that those retards who live along the roads have dumped in the drain... and no one is there to clean them!!! Ultimately instead of cars we need amphibious vehicles or boats to go around on the roads once it starts raining!!!! Its terrible when you have to walk in the dirty water the drains and the gutters are flooding out.... YUK!!!!!
Shining Sun beating on us!!!!
Woke up early in the morining to the musical voice of my land lady, a sixty year-old ex-CID lady who was kind enough to rent me a room out of her house!!! Not the best way to start a Monday morning!!!
Unlike most of the days at work I had to run around the whole colombo today.... One remarkable thing about these days is the weather!!!! The sun seriously is having something against us these days.... I had to go out both in the morning and the evenning and I had one hell of a time walking on the steets looking for some material that I wanted for the new collection that I'm working on!! (Yeah the designers have go walk around Bamba, Pettah and Pamunuwa in search of materials, hardware and other stuff sometimes... I'd spare the details of my mega shopping blast!!!) And Mr.Sun was not helping me at all... it seriously was like some kind of invisible laser guns shooting down from the heavens to burn us all....
now after about two hours after returning from my shopping fiesta I'm having a HUGE migrane... in a couple of minutes my head is gonna burst in to thousand pieces!!! I went through the same shit on Saturday afternoon as I took a bus from Pettah to Kandy... it was terrible... but its nothing but the warm radiation of the sun and the bright light that really knocked me off giving me severe migranes...
One hell of a monday................
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Working on Saturdays.....
It is THE most annoying and irritating thing in my life..... Five days a week we work from 8.30 in the morning till at least 6.30 - 7.00 in the evenning.... and we have to work halfday on the the Saturday....
Now THAT sucks!!! I mean don't we have a life??? What are these people thinking??? We have things to do... there are stuff to be bought, laundry to attend to, Rooms and apartments to be cleaned, friends to go and spend some time with, and those thing are important... I rarely go home!! (coz I'm from Kandy) and I rarely spend a 24 hours with my parents or my borthers...
People at the office thinks that work is the most important thing!!! but when I really think about it.... Its not.... two years back I got sick and the doctor recomemded that I should get a weeks break from work and rest... I went to those people with the medical, but they refused it... after two days I collapsed at work..... my family went through shit.... it was only them who were there for me.... my very close friends, neighbhours and my family. I was thinking if something happened to me that made me unable to work anymore.... I'd become an asset gone bad... they'd replace me with another person... but my family and friends... they're the ones whom I'd have to depend on...
So I always try to be there for them when they need us.... coz we're all they got and they're all we've got....
Whats upsettig about today coz its my elder bro's birthday and my sis-in-laws birthday today.... all of them are in Kandy while aI'm stuck at work.... I have so much of work there is no way that I can go till late in the evenning....
Friday, October 13, 2006
Jumping the Gun......
well i'm quite sure almost everyone has gone through that atleast once in your life time!!!
Check the following story....
A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a beautiful blonde woman wave at him and say hello. He's rather taken aback, because he can't place where he knows her from. So he says, "Do you know me?"
For my friend....

Nayomi Apsara.....
I first met her at one of my previouse working places.... I was doing the DTP, Video editing stuff there... ( It was a video studio) She was sent there to be trained in the graphic design, you know to work with me and learn in the process...... and I met one of the best friends that I ever had (and have).... She was as equally as crazy like me and we did have a nice super time... specially comparing to the other loosers who worked there... we very well prefferd each others company...
After some time of working together, I took upon studies again..... I started the fashion design classes that lead me to my current career and moved out from that place where I was working... I was consumed by fashion design course... I was eternally busy running around trying to finish the assignments and all... which gradually lead us not to meet eachother like we used to... later on she also moved out.. started working became busy in her own things and we completely lost touch....
I started my work... moved to Colombo..... and for lies sometime last week I came across the familiar name in Skype...
Frinedship is great... No matter how far or distansed you might get... withing minutes it turns to be just like the same old thing we used to have..... all you ever have to do it to update ur selves... it can be so unconditional....
So this one goes out to my good friend..... who is doing very well now.... Congrads my friend... I wish you well... and thanks for being my friend.....
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A Matter of Life and Death...

Iron Maiden's new album........... I got my hands on it...... AMAZING shit..... Bruce Dickinson and Steve Harris rocking the place as usual....
This is their 16th album since the release of their first album in 1980... truely... prooving to be that they are the heavy metal war-horses.
10 brilliant tracks.... Since i've heard all their music and know most of them by heart.... I can see some resemblance in the music from their previous albums... it is the Maiden style.... and it rocks....
Oh I'm loving this....
hey u Maiden lovers out there... get your hands on this master piece.... it is worth every single penny and a bit more you spend on it....
Coming to an end of a tough day!!!
Then again thats how life is now... have to live with it....
These days are hectic.... loads and loads to do... and not enough time to attend to it all... I wish I also had 6 faces and 12 hands like god Katharagama... then I could make myself more efficiant... and able to attend to multiple tasks.....
wonder when i'd be able to get myself outa here!!!!