Sunday, November 30, 2008
balance... focus... balance...
what my problem is, as far as i can see is that I don't seems to be balancing my life. U know between studies, work, day to day stuff and leisure... I start to do one thing, but my mind is not there, I switch to another, then my mind is not still focused on that either, so I switch to something else... specially the projects, i keep on swtitching in between my projects and at the end of the day i've not done anything properly... Probably the reason why i'm not focused is taht mind actually is not even in this country anymore!! LOL.. I'm quite sure its with star shine.. LOL. so thats why i cannot settle down and do anything at all... kinda stupid actually...
but i need to get my act together and really start concentrating on my things.. or i'm gonna get sooooo screwed up by the end of next month. coz i have to hand in three big projects!! right after the christmas holidays...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A month ago this day...
I was still 28,
I was still running around like a mad man around SL helping my bro with his post wedding stuff,
I was still thinking that I'll never be in love again,
I was still to meet the best person I've ever met in my life,
I was still holding your hand under the moonlight,
I was still unaware how much you could change my life,
I was still single...
I'm thankful that I met you,
I'm thankful to all the family activities that our folks had together they gave us the time we had together,
I'm thankful to you for taking my hand and returning my kiss..
I'm thankful to you... for making me whole again...
I'm happy that we fell in love... and yes starshine... its been a month... and I'm looking for many many more... :)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
to you my sis....
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Sri Lankan movie releases !!!
I wish at least we get these in SL, coz I hardly come across any SL movie that I can enjoy!!!!
The Devil wears Bata
A story of revenge and pair of lost rubber slippers. Starring Ranjan
Ramanayake (Lankem Romeolus), Anarkali (Julilatha), and a private bus. Shot
entirely on the 138 bus route, this movie features amazing shots of feet
and a crushed wart. Stunts by a bus conductor and soundtrack by The
Centipedes (formerly known as Centigradez)
Rated R for indecent exposure of feet.
The Last Samosa
An emotional tale of life, tragedy, leftovers and moving on. Based on the
true story of a waiter at Hotel Pilawoos (not played by Tom Cruise), this
movie recounts one man's lone struggle against injustice and local health
inspectors (played by Sanath Gunethelika and Samuel L. Jackson).
Rated PG for mild scenes of diarrhoea.
School of Jock
Inspired by the original School of Rock, this movie follows a group of
local hip hop artists as they try to reach greater heights by lowering
their pants. Shot entirely on location next to the escalator at Majestic
City, this movie is truly an inspiration for anyone with dyslexia and
oversize pants. Features brand new re-re-re-remixed versions of remixed
Bollywood songs.
Rated PG-13 for bad language and overexposed boxer shorts.
Hyde Park
A new animation by the creators of South Park featuring oversized drawings
of Sri Lankan politicians. This unique animation of a political rally was
done in just 4 colours (blue, green, red and yellow) and features the voice
talents of the inmates of the Dehiwela Zoo and lottery ticket seller from
Slave Island.
Rated R for bad and/or misleading language
Originally titled 300, but later changed after a lawsuit. The story of 300
pairs of Bata Slippers and their owners. A story of courage and
determination against all odds and 'Adibas' deck shoes. See a band of brave
Bata owners wield their lethal slippers in some of the greatest combat
scenes in movie history. 'This is for BATAAAA!!!!'
Rated R for extreme violence
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Anyways, I was on the phone for a couple of hours with one of my friends the other day, and I have this bad habit of scribbling on something whenever i'm on the phone, then again, i guess a lot ppl have that... anyway, I was playing around on Corel Draw throughout the call, and what u see below is the results, of coz I've spent about two more hours on it after the call, to perfect it... not bad is it???

(click on the image for a bigger view)
Monday, June 23, 2008
HUSBAND: "Definitely not!"
WIFE: "Why not - don't you like being married?"
HUSBAND: "Of course I do."
WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry?"
HUSBAND: "Okay, I'd get married again."
WIFE: "You would? (with a hurtful look on her face).
HUSBAND: (makes audible groan).
WIFE: "Would you live in our house?"
HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house."
WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?"
HUSBAND: "Where else would we sleep?"
WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car?"
HUSBAND: "Probably, it is almost new."
WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers?"
HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do."
WIFE: "Would she use my golf clubs?"
HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed."
WIFE: - - -silence - -
HUSBAND: "oh shit"
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A hell of a day!!!!
To start with, the stupid burglar alarm went off at around 3.00AM when i was in deep sleep (I went to sleep at around 2.00AM so it totally sucked!!!) so I was up and running around when that bloody alarm was wailing!!! I tried to figure out what the hell was wrong.. but I couldn't.. So I just disabled and reset the bloody thing and went to sleep after a while... probably a power fluctuation or something coz I vaguely remember hearing the alarms of the other houses nearby.. or maybe it was in my head coz that thing is sooo loud it might've left a echo in my ears.. i don't know.. anyways..
then i wake up and turn my PC on and all of sudden find my self in the middle of some of my friends in a major argument... it was really bad!!! there was like 10 ppl pointlessly (in way) shouting and yelling each other pointing fingers in all directions... and then another friend comes online saying that she's having a problem.. and unfortunately I was soooo disturbed with the first stupid thing I couldn't properly address her thingi!!! then, another friend from here calls me up and said that her test results for a suspected cancer has come out quite positive and that she has to go in for another few tests!!! I was like WTF!!!???!!! it was faaaar too much to handle.. and the first problem with my bunch of friends were still going on MSN still.. so ultimately i couldn't eat even... so at 4 o'clock I left to work, then at work I see that two of the idiots who works with me on my station have called in sick and I was give two total noobs to work with!! GREAT!!! it was JUST wonderfull.. so there I was, running around like a mad man trying to get the work done.. which did not turn that bad i must add still it was mentally tiring....
anways... after all that i'm home now... wondering what else might go wrong before the clock strikes 12.00 LOL...
but I'm quite sad about my two friends whom i mentioned later.. life totally sucks sometime... and its really hard to see ur loved ones suffer badly.. let it be a relationship problem or a health problem.. it totally sucks.. of coz to be diagnosed positive for a cancer is far more worse than a broken heart.. still to each person their pain is a big problem... but I coudn't be propperly their for either of them... they turned to me when they needed someone to talk to and i totally failed them... *sigh* I'm a moron!!! but i was too disturbed and involved in that other case!!!
anyway my dear friends.... I'd like to dedicate this song for u two....
one of my fav fav songs ever... I love the original REM version.. but I like Andrea better I guess.. :P
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Crazy 7
The rules:
- Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. I hardly speak.. and my voice has a really low volume and most of the time ppl hardly hear me!!! (but there are exceptions with some people) and I'd rather use a text based conversation.
5. I broke my left ring finger after a fight when I was in grade 9 and since i never told my parents it was never fixed properly!! LOL.. its hardly noticeable but now it bends in rather awkward way!!
1. I used to have 39 teeth.. (untill the docs pulled out my vampire teeth.. and a couple.. and yeah.. i'm a freak of nature!! sue me!!! :P)
7. I can put a single track on repeat for hours... (the last one i did was One last goodbye - Anathema the play count is like 250 I think!!!)
4. I HATE people nudging me on MSN... I cannot stand it.. it startles me and drives me insane.. I F*&#ing hate it..
2. Last saturday I got one of my friends to do a Mehndi/henna pattern on my left palm!! (I know I know.. shush... shut it...)
6. For the past 7 years, I've been suffering from Costochondrits (yes u read it right... 7 years!! and its a BITCH!!!) and my my best friend here too suffers from the same...
now, since i've been living in my own dreamland for a week and apparently since the whole blogosphere has been tagged left right and centre and, I don't have that many ppl to tag at the mo. I'll look deeper to see if someone has been left or I'll just tag seven randomers.. I know its violating the holy tagging code but may the gods of tagging please please forgive me for leaving that part for later...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thackshila you stupid A$$!!!
We had lunch and then we headed towards the Bull ring, the main shopping area of Birmingham. We all walked through the crowd, the girls were deeply involved in one of there girly talks about a the last weekend partying session. and I was just going with the flow but not really being able to relate to the conversation. I suck at verbal communication when it comes to stuff like that anyways, being a bit "socially backwards" I like to keep me to myself and well maybe my PC!!!!. Either way, them three were talking about something and I was walking with them in the crowd. It was an ok day, not very warm, but still sunny. the roof of the bull ring is something that I always loved, Its full transparent and the sun comes and floods the whole interior. I think the building is like four stories or something. So anyways i was walking through the crowd and thinking that its a good location for a spider man action sequence. I mean its tall enough for him to swing around, the transparent roof will be awesome. of coz ppl could scream and run around and probably we can place MJ strategically to make it all interesting.. Specially since both the top and bottom level can be accessed as a "ground level" (if that made sense!!! what i mean to say is that its build in a slope kinda land so both the top level and the ground (or the last level) can be accessed as it was a ground floor of a normal building!!! very much like the crescat for the [SL buggers.])
so I was like all having a good fine bit of action between spidy and the villains in my own imagination land while the girls were at their own talk!!! all of sudden my friend stop turn at me
says "Thack this is the ladies!! (or something similar!!) it took me a while to realize that she was talking to me and snap back from my own world, then another moment to realize that i've actually walked in to the ladies loo area behind them!!!
Thankfully, it was only the lounge sorta area in the ladies toilets not the actual loo itself, but still it was bad enough.. specially it being me!!! I dont quite remember how or what i did., i remember some women staring at me... i think i managed to excuse and apologize and pretend that i thought the gents loo was somewhere around or something.. but bottom line, I made a total fucking ass out of myself!!
I mean come on!!! what the hell!!! I know I can be a bit nerdy and geeky.. and get stuck in my own thoughts and world quite often and act like a mindless prick!!! I often get lost in various characters and fights while I'm walking around every now and then.. but this is like bad... fucking embarrassing!!! |LOL... surely them girls must be thinking I'm a real nut job... LOL.. not that that its wrong.. its just.. errr.. fucking retarded.
Now this doesn't mean that i'm gonna change and not to think about a good bit of action sequence when i'm walking about... Its insane i can't change LOL!! but I need to be a wee bit focused when I'm with others I guess.. I'm so used to the idea of being by me self, and my buddies in SL who actually were a bit like me and the auto-pilot modes that takes me to places, eitherway... Its a mess.. LOL.. damn.. embarrassment!!! shit.. much much worse than the time i was walking while reading a book and bumped on to a lamp post and broke my glasses!!!! shit!!! Next time girls, just shoot me or just push me in front of a speeding truck or something!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
bit of drama!!!
You're the guy who did that exhibition last weekend at the gallery right??
Brilliant... It was really interesting.... Loved your work...
Umm... I know that this is out of the blue... but do u see that girl over there in the red top??
which one?? The one with short hair??
yeah.. she's my good friend... and she really fancies you...
Oh.. !!!!
OH.. well.. erm.. well.. I'm not available..
OH.. well... too bad i guess... are you in a relationship??
No.. well.. not exactly.. I am.. but.. err.. well,.. I'm gay...
OH!!! ok then..
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Love Story.
He saw her, he felt complete,
She made a friend, different from others,
He found a good friend, special from others.
She was heart broken, Her world darkened,
He saw her crying, His heart was shattered!!!
She was lost, her thoughts confused,
He said he'd be there for her, to help and guide her along.
She fell in love, Her heart filled with joy,
He smiled, he was happy for her.
"We're getting married"!!, her eyes gleamed with joy.
He hugged her, "congratulations" he whispered!!
"yes I do"!, she said in front of god,
He stood in the crowd, his eyes filled with tears,
"all the best my friend" he whispered to himself...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A note from my ex....
I hope you're doing well. Its weird how we all start a written message or a mail with that statement... Since I know you well, I know that to everyone's eye you must be "doing well"... Then again I know your fluctuating moods.
I think I know you well enough to say that you're bugged with something... Of coz unlike most other people I know, instead of your face and your words, your published work has always been the reflection of your inner self. and even that is not straight forward!! You always hide your emotions in a cyclone of (almost) irrelevant words within your work. I should say that it was nearly impossible for me to read you most of the time, but then again, you always managed to show what exactly you wanted others to read, and then maybe sometimes you decided against it ended up confusing your reader again with something else... it was interesting and frustrating at the same time...
Ok, leave that bit for the time being. I'm good. Life is going on as it could and I'm living a purposeful life. I have my targets to cover, and I have dreams that I pursue and I enjoy on my way. True its not easy, but its my believe that it couldn't have happened any other way. I know that the we all think from time to time that we could've had a better life. True... we could've; or we could've not!!! as you always expected, my honest answer will be, no one would know!!! But looking at a chain of events in my recent years, I'd say things happen for a reason, and its almost impossible for it to happen otherwise. Both you and I through our experience know that we make the best choice that we could make at the given point; which leads us to the present. The choice of course is always the killer I suppose. So yeah, we made our choices in the past and our paths have being lead by them to the present.
Shifting the focus back to you my friend; (well I'll happily call you my friend still because you are. I found the best of friends in you before everything turned in to a beautiful relationship which followed by a complicated mess!) I'm not happy that you're still lingering in your past. It'll be partly my fault, since I know your weaknesses maybe I should step completely away, so that you will not be reminded of and start reliving your past. You were a good friend who helped me through my life, being there through each and every step sharing. and I'm quite sure that you still are the nice helpful dude I used to know. It was your weakness and your strength. I know how careful you are in your relationships and how you try to manage each and everything in your relationships. Even though I still strongly disagree with your way; I still believe that you always had the reasons to act the way you did; which you could always explain in great detail and it always made sense!! After all, you are the kind of person who'd take a fall instead of hurting even your enemy. in that way you're a bit weak I think, but again I know you'd face the fall directly, and be happy about how you managed to keep your cool and how much the other person needed that, making you stronger than anyone who'd just face things with anger or rage. You always said that if you think you understand better than the others, then its you would do things that other people might think crazy, weird or even kissing ass!!!
Which of course makes you "that" guy!! :P (of course you knew where this is heading to didn't you??) Probably that was the first time I've seen you pouring yourself out like that. I thank you and appreciate you for the person you are. Even though you being "that guy" did actually caused a lot "problems" in the last bit of our life, it is whom you are!!! I don't think you can help it even if you tried to. and I know for a fact that you help or be there for people who deserve/ need it. I don't know where the note/ Blog post was aimed to. Maybe it was just self realisation or it was meant to go to someone specific or it was just aimed at your past. as for
Self realization–well you probably knew yourself before that writing, and I know that you hardly spit things out for the person whom you'd reach out to read. You'd probably wait for them to realise or simply be a very honest and say it to the face. If its aimed at your past. well, I never too you for a fool but there was a point that I thought you (are)were extremely selfish!!! I'm sorry that I'm trying to analyse your action right now, but I'm just trying your methods I guess!! (and yep, I still hate the fact that you always had to analyse each and every thing in a relationship... Oh how much I hated it when you'd sit back, take a few seconds with a blank face to think, i could see the chain of thoughts running on head head!!!! I still say that sometime you SHOULD let things happen and leave the analysing out!!!) anyway, back to the topic, You are that guy, and I could relate and even add a fair bit to that list. I know that you do all that, and let the person to turn the back to you; but still will be able to NOT to get pissed off with the person and just be happy that you helped. I know how many people did that to you even. I just wanted to know, people probably realise whom you are and appreciate your help and support. It disturbs me that you spat that out, because its highly unlike you. You've always been a good friend to people. Truthful, honest and caring we love you for that. I miss the comfort zone that I had with you, I miss sharing every ridiculous though and incident of my day in the afternoon, I miss the good fine intellectually stimulating talks we used to have, I miss being able to read a novel and have a fine discussion over it, I miss walking on a road and being able to make a joke of every stone, pebble or a blade of grass that we might encounter on our way. I miss my friend. You are a better friend than a lover. You can give love in a way that others cannot or maybe even wouldn't. I don't see things been any different from how they're now though, things happen for a reason, just try to realize the reason. after all, you always searched for a purpose and reason in life, maybe it is to share the kindness and love you have within you...
I hope that your emotional hurricane will settle and everything will turn out to be ok soon. You just be yourself, and let people accept you for whom you are!! thats what you always said, and I know that its actually the best thing to do. True everyone has their weaknesses and everyone makes mistakes and fall sometimes. but whats important is that you learn, (which you always did..) it makes you a better person every time I suppose. that is what makes a person.. Thats what makes you THAT guy whom you are.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Emotionally weird..
Most of the time I feel weird... I look outside at everything... and i can't help thinking, what would be others seeing right now??? its weird to think that we don't see us, but we see everything else!!! The concept of the "third person view" really fascinates me... I often wish if I could jump out of my body and have a good look at my own self... as if i'm looking at another person... don't u think it'll be fascinating?? and its really really funny to think that I've seen all these people but not myself!!! its only but a reflection I've seen!!!which we can take metaphorically, that we don't see ourselves.. this in a way could be really true when think about urself and the others around u... We often are biased on anything when it comes to our own selves!! we often are never wrong... we totally disregard chunks of valid data just to prove ourselves right and even go up to extremes to make sure that people see it ourway.. totally ignoring the real facts of the situation!!! we always try to judge everyone and everything else but ourselves!!! Ever since i've noticed this, i've always tried to take a step back, and think and look at everything through... of coz its really really hard!! but I try... I think me trying to do that have given me great insight about myself. and this definitely has adjusted my way of life and thinking and reacting patterns. People tend to think I'm a bit weird and different to a "normal" person... when one of my friends told me that, I asked her "what is normal??" to which she laughed!! its strange how people standardise things.. but the sad thing is, they totally forget about humans being individuals!!! sometimes I did too wondered if what they say is true and that i've lost it or something.!! but then after thinking a bit hard I realized that they're just being human!!!!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Guess its because I'm THAT guy!!!
So yeah... I did do it,.. but still ... why???
Coz i'm the guy who'd help you out,
I'm the guy who'd do it for u, and never expect anything from u in return,
I'm the guy who's happy that you're my friend,
I'm the guy who'd do anything to see a smile on your face,
I'm the guy you calls when you need to pour your heart out,
I'm the guy whom will be in your background always giving all the support you need,
I'm the guy who'd be there for u when u'r in trouble and in need,
I'm the guy whom finds you pretty, even when u just got out of bed,
I'm the guy who's accepted you for whom you are,
I'm the guy whom u can neglect all you want but still hang around watching and caring,
I'm the guy whom you know that will be there for you, still slip out of your mind when things are right,
I'm the guy whom you forget the moment I step out of the door,
I'm the guy who won't get pissed off coz you ditch my calls,
Coz I'm the guy who loves you and not expect it in return,
You might take me for a fool, and a fool I might be, and I'm not noble either, I do what makes me feel happy, guess it makes me that guy!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
randomly bored.. or maybe just bored!!!...
my blog is becoming quite a crappy random collection of writings i've done in various moods.. well.. fuck it.. I can' be bothered!!!
anyways... its 2.00 AM, I've come back from work a few hours ago, and tried to work on an assignment.. which of coz didn't quite work and ended up browsing around aimlessly....
life, recently has been weird.. for about four five months my life was a routine.. uni - work - uni - work, i left home at a certain time, took the same bus in the morning, same bus in the night back home... i never was a creature of habbits as such. I always kept things quite random and I liked it.. but I noticed that i've really got in to a weirdly boring routine!!!!
Human interaction too has gone down quite significantly... I've hardly gone out with friends... actually I've begun to stick only a very few good friend(S)... of coz i've kept myself busy with online friends... what i'm talking about it physically going out with friends...
anyways.. i'm trying to break away from it.. otherwise i'll end up being a real boring piece of shit!!! which i think i am already.. my communication skills are going down rapidly!! probably because i hardly talk to anyone...
Anyways... I'm creativity too seems to suffer a bit from all this imbalance... not just drawing and painting but coming up with new ideas.... i seems to have lost my old touch and become a bit stale in that department...
Anyways... I got to break free!!! Thats a good place to start.. I'll start with listening to Freddie!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Attention Sri Lankan Video Gamers!!!!

The BIGGEST LAN Party in Sri Lanka is about to happen.. L5 - The 5th LAN party organised by Death Company. A full weekend of pure non-stop gaming. The event will be packed with tournaments, and you can play with head to head with the best gamers in Sri Lanka at the same place, the same time. Test your (your Clan / team) skills with the rest of the gamers. When : Start : Saturday - April 26th at 9:00 AM End : Sunday - April 27th at 9:00 PM Where : Capital Mall Banquet Hall, No.531, Capital Mall Building, Madiwela Road, Thalawathugoda. Entrance: Free!!!! If you haven't yet seen a lan party and need some information please feel free to drop by at anytime and with or without your parents. What games : Main Games : Counter Strike 1.6 Call of Duty 4 Unreal Tournament 2004 Warcraft III TFT: DotA Alternate Games : Starcraft, Need for Speed: Underground 2, Command & Conquer 3, Quake 3, etc. If you have a suggestion, let us know and we might give it a shot. Register at any questions??? e mail - |
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The Poison Queen
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Oh well.. back again...
Life right now is SOOOOOO boring for me... its the same cycle repeating over and over again.. my whole world is limited to the Uni, Work, Librarry and some occassional visits to the city to look for something... The worst part is that I don't have much time for gaming even... I'm trying to squeeze in COD4 in to that... but barely making it...
but things can get slightly better now, since its easter hols... thank god for that... :)
Oh BTW - I got myself a Wacom Intuos 3, A5 wide one... cost all that I had (yep i'm poor!!!) but its all worth it... :)
anyways... need to get back to do some stuff now... have some illustrations to do...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The last few weeks were horribly hectic.. was running around trying to finish off a couple of big assignments.
One of them was a styling project, we had a little less than three weeks to do the research, come up with a theme and do a photo shoot that could go in to a fashion mag... fun, but ALOT of work.. specially when I had no fucking clue to where to get the photographers/ studios etc.. So instead of going all "Professional" as I was supposed to I teamed up with another girl from my batch (as we were allowed to do it in tiny groups - to cover the expenses mainly) went to the 3rd year Photography students and got one of them, and used the uni Studios, which come at no cost...
So.. the Theme - which we called BreathLess; is to look back at the model(mannequin) herself... Its fascinating when I started to think of it actually.
"For a long time in history, ‘Mannequins’ or human made models/ dolls were used to demonstrate the arrangement of drapery and to display clothing.
The Parisian shop girl Marie Vernet Worth goes down in the history of fashion as the first “Professional Fashion Model/ Mannequin” when she was used to portray her designer husband Charles Frederick Worth’s clothes in 1853. Giving birth to a line of careers that never was before, which has grew and branched in to many careers very soon.
In their 1981 Pop Album, The Man-Machine, the German pop group Kraftwrek released their hit song “Das Model” where they sang, “She shows her body off for consumer goods”, is highlighting the ambiguous status of the fashion model at that time, whose own body has become an object in the course of modelling clothes.
But in their 1986 movie “Street crocodiles” (based on the novel by Bruno Schultz) the film makers ‘The brothers Quay’ portrays ‘Reversal’ of the above statement by Krafwrek. In the movie the tailor’s dummies come alive and take over his shop. They capture their former master and dismantle him like a doll the way he used to dismantle them. They measure him up, go through samples of fabric and trimming and sew an outfit to dress him up.
Later in late 1990’s Hussein Chalayan and Alexender Mc Queen portrays similar reversal by substituting dummies or mannequins for fashion models on a catwalk, and by exaggerating and playing on the ‘robotic’ qualities of a human model.
One interesting aspect is that, it’s only the ‘look’ that changes everyday. The mannequin or the model remains the same as the seasons go passing by. As there masters use them as ‘tools’ to display the fashions of the season, they stare at the horizon with their fixed gaze, single expression on their rigid bodies... living a single moment... Forever..."
So what we did was to take the idea of the "reversal"; and turn the model in to a living breathing mannequin, stripping off the life and soul out of her, exaggerating the fact that today the model has become nothing more than an "object" than a human...(which i find sad as a human!!); and capturing her in one single moment...
we did a lot of running around everywhere... looking at stuff.. looking at the actual mannequins.. different outfits, looking at a million fashion publications just to see what we can do differently.. and within the theme too...
below are two of the pictures that we picked out of the shoot... the one on the left is the one that went in to the presentation; it went well with our theme... and the one on the right.. I just loved it...

choosing the outfit was kinda a nightmare... We wanted to illustrate the rigidness and the movement, the solidity and the softness, the lifelessness and the seductiveness at the same time... it was a nightmare!!! and we were told that the out fit should have elements of the current trends too... we picked up a pencil skirt, which is eternally in with the cooperate/ serious look but at the same time it really enhances the natural curves of a female too.. givin a slight sexy and seductive look. everywhere we looked.. at each window display we noticed frills!!! maybe its just birmingham but i don't know.. we say frills in different shape and forms.. and it struck to us as a nice way to give a flow to the rigidness... thus.. the big frill.. I liked it after it was all pinned up... :)
The shoes are not all that visible but.. the shoes were kinda nice too... open toe, gloss finished shoes with a about 6" heel.. she looked quite good standing on em.. the angle of the shot really doesn't show anything much of the shoe.. still it was an essential part of the outfit..
Lighting... too was another diffi part.. to make up the mind on lighting was not that easy.. but I kinda had a vision of a single light and a black background... and the model to fade in to black.. to enhace the death or lifelessness of the whole picture.. and well.. I wanted it to look a bit glamorous too... which i think we've managed to tackle in our own way... i saw natural backgrounds and white backgrounds in all other publications... and i just didn't want that...
the second light that u see on the pic on the right is not exactly a light.. only a reflector..
Make up was totally done by my partner in the project. it was quite simple and straight forward.. only detailed around the eyes.. which of coz is not that much visible in any of these two pics...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The next time u buy furr or furr trimmed clothing...
I don't know what to say.... :(
The price they pay for a better day for us.... long live "humans!!!!"
true... maybe you'd say that most of the medication and stuff were through cruelty like this... but then again.. just put yourself in their shoes... what will happen if some super being of some sort came around and put us through experiments and shit.. you know like to find a cure for some shitty cancer that they got after smoking 50 cigarettes a day??? How would you feel???
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Attention all Video Gamers in Sri Lanka.... Do NOT miss this one out...
Join Death Company at their 4th LAN Party, L4 where everyone is invited, and experience multi-player gaming on a whole new level!
Yes people... if you are an enthusiastic gamer... you CANNOT miss this one out... 26th and 27th will be 48 hours of non-stop gaming!!! Now what kind of a gamer would miss that out??!!! All u need to bring is you PC (DC have the games required) and if you can manage about Rs.800 for food and drinks... and oh.. you need to tell them that you're coming too...
Time & Venue: 9.00 AM onwards - at - 47/10 Park Road, Ratmalana.
so... how would u let them know or find out more.. easy..
Call : Xuan on +94777888078. He'll be more than happy to fill you in... or click here
there will be all kinds of gamers in from SL and will be playing games of all genres... there will be challenges and fun...
If you consider yourself a video gamer.. THIS is where you should be next weekend... see you at L4 gamers... and be prepared... Be there or miss out the best weekend gaming experience... :)
maybe ur not in to PC gaming at all.. but if you know some one who is... well just let them know.. you just might make them VERY happy...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Fashion Line coffins....
Bikini Models are used all over.. but on coffins... WEAK!!!!!!! :(
ewwww :( and look at the models expression > "beautiful coffin... it'll be all yours if you die soon! yay!!!!!!... doesn't this make u wanna die soon???" - damn!!!
WTF????? damn!!!
and last but not definitely not the least.... my personal fav.....
Words fail....
(what do u think she's trying to tell us??? take the coffin and...... )
talk about Ad scams!!! geez...
Thursday, January 03, 2008
A little something for the new year....
Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked Adam, "What is wrong with you?" Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said he was going to give him a companion and she would be called "woman."
God said, "This person will cook for you and wash your clothes, she will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache, and will freely give love and compassion whenever needed."
Adam asked God, "What will this woman cost?"
God said, "An arm and a leg."!!!!
Adam asked, "What can I get for just a rib?"
Another year......
since Jan 2007, I'm still not over my ex, I've resigned from my job, I'm 8000 miles away ... leaving everyone I know and love... go settled in a totally strange land.. and well.. doing good too... :) but it was wild ride... specially the leaving my job part... it was not due to having to leave for my studies... it was because of a slutty lying bitch at work who thought that I was "problem" for her career!! and a stupid enough chairman who actually bought a story that made no sense... ya whatever.... heard the accusations on the first day.. and the next day i resigner.. it was totally pointless.. thankfully i had by back up plans already in motion.. so it was ok... I left the country after that...
the worst thing was... to leave my parents and my bro's and specially my friends.. whom i spend all my free time with... and all the other comforts.. the cool income and the car... which i cannot afford anymore.. and have to rely on public transport... [which is much better than sl.. but still... :( ] but it was good change...
weird the way how I celebrated though... Frankly I didn't celebrate at all... went to the local library.. and got myself a book that i always wanted to read.. that was about it... thinking of it... i think i can see a few reasons why I just stayed in...
first... I simply was not bothered...
second... the company... I had the coolest friends back in SL.. and i never met anyone who could even match that here... of coz they're totally different..but very nice friendly people.. but.. maybe for me it takes a while to make friends... anyways... if i had some cooler company.. it might have been different...
third... hate to admit it but financial.... :P yeah well... not easy to spend in multiplications of 220 u know.. :P
but unlike any of u.. I went to places that only u can go in ur imagination.. and frankly i totally lost track of time untill i hear the fireworks... he he he..
speaking of fireworks..
i heard that at London they spend 1 million pounds for new years ever fireworks display thing...
that would be about 200 million SL rupees... now THAT is wasting... just imagine what they could've done with that money... a half of it maybe... around the world.. how much needy people are there!!!
hmmm.. well... maybe thats something we all can think of in this new year.... again.. no one will actually bother even...
anyways ppl...
A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope all of u will have a good one... :D