YES!! after the long waiting... It was "Officially" released on the 4th.... even though it was floating around in the internet since April 24th (According to Wiki)
This is ALL what we expect from IE... The power packed pure brutal, heavy slab of technical Power Metal... nothing more... definitely nothing less!!! Of course the fans of ICED EARTH already know that Schaffer and Co. are something special in the world of Heavy Metal and just why some Metal-fans are wholly ignorant of their recorded output is a mystery and disgrace.
"Ten Thousand Strong" is the single track, and it will appear on "Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part 1)", albeit a bit different than the single version. - according to the IE website..-
inline with Ten thousand strong comes the "Wicked Triology" from "Something wicked this way comes" (1998) album!!!!
I first got to hear them in 1995; quite by accident I should say..... and it was one of the best accidents ever!!! loved their music... and the next year.... in 1996 - the KNOCKED me out with Dark Saga... man that was good... I'm sure that each and everyone of you who has heard it will agree.... the power... the complex arrangements, orchestrated passages, emotional interludes, huge choruses and just plain good old fashioned Heavy Metal.... How schaffer has breathed life in to a comic book... gave life and emotions to the beast with music.... was truely AWSOME!!!!! and they continued doing that...
The single - is pure evidence that IE will continue to do what they do the best... knock the bearth out of the listeners and kick them around with sound waves....
"Of course the fans of ICED EARTH already know that Schaffer and Co. are something special in the world of Heavy Metal and just why some Metal-fans are wholly ignorant of their recorded output is a mystery and disgrace."
Perhaps because there is better metal out there?
What bands are you into anyway?
I am just wondering becaue you apparently didn't like Stigmata's stage show but love Iced Earth. Have you seen their live performances?
miss theena - I never said that i din't like the gig.. read again.. i said i loved it.. all of it.. their music is super.. we can easily put them in the international scene...
No I've not seen them with my own eyes.. All I've got the Alive in Athens Video..
what bands I'm into.... well that has a long answere... I'll just name a new of my all time fav's...
undoubtedly no 1 goes to Iron Maiden...
and from there.. Metallica, Judas Priest, sabbath, DIO, Mega Death, KISS,W.A.S.P, Arch Enemy, Motely Crew, Slayer, Pantera, scorpions, Venom, Exodus, Blind Guardian, Death Angel, Death, white snake... Children of bodom, cradle of filth, and some some goth bands like Anathema, opeth, my dying bride,type O negative,theatre of tragedy.... or most of it..
and i have disturbed, nevermore and slip knot and other newer stuff also.. but i prefer the older stuff.. 80ss and prior to that.. maybe coz those are what i've grown up with and i have good memories with em... even the 80's pop stuff.. coz thats what we heard always.. my parents really didn't appreciate metal that much... ;-)
You were complaining about Ranil's stage antics - which is what I am referring to.
Anyay, I am a dude. Not a "miss".
When did Opeth become goth?
OH!!! Dude.. sorry... thuoght it was girl mate.. sorry..
well...Opeth.. sorry Progressive/Doom metal... my mistake... i kept on typing and it has slipped.. guess it automatically popped after Anathema...
so.. u think IE is not that good???
Opeth is Progressive Death Metal - that is how Mikael Ankerfelt (or however you spell his name) likes to define them.
I always thought of them as Progressive Black Metal though. They are strange: they have a death metal sound and deal with black metal subjects.
Have you heard Anathema's album - Brave Murder Day I think - where Mikael does vocals?
If you've heard enough Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and the like, I see no reason to waste time with Iced Earth. It gets boring quickly. I am not into power metal so that is my own prejudice talking.
Brave Murder day is not by Anathema.. its by a Swedish band called Katatonia, but Mikael Ã…kerfeldt did the vocals alright..
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