It was awsome... well... it was sometime since I last saw any of the bands playing live... When the Rock Company had "Rock Saturday"s happenning we did see the bands once a month!!
now they say that these will be happennign every sunday at Clancy's... I missed the gig on the previous Sunday... I simply was clueless!!! lets hope they continue!!!
The band listing was good. they had all the bands that were mentioned in the poster!!!!
All of them were good... we have some real talented bunch of guys out there!!! young pups and "experieced" dudes!!!
all of em rocked equally...
it was supposed to start at three - but started way after 4.30PM (I really won't complain about it.. coz i think 3.00 PM is a bit too early.. and it was awkward seeing clancy's in braod daylight!!! he eh he... and since the very first rock company events.. they NEVER started on time... so its kinda ok...) it ended around 8.30 - 9.00 i don't remember exactly... Stigmata gave a brilliant ending... it was heavy - not the real "Acoustic - Unpligged" thingi that u'd expect though!!!
(well yeah.. u can't see shit in the pics!! I'd say its Iron Maiden and Iced Earth playing you'd still wouldn't know the diff!! )
One of the leading bands in the scene these days...
The Aces in Sri Lankan Metal scene!!!
and they're GOOD!!! VERY GOOD!!!
I don't know since when they got that (new) drummer of their's!!
I remember him from long ago.. i think he's from kandy... one of PE's friends or something like that... carrying water bottles and stuff!!! if i remember correctly... he always gave me an impression of a jackass... did a good job doing that too!! he's just a bit too much "wanna be" type!!! He fucking shows off more that Suresh himself!!!
He's ok with the drums though.. but there are better ppl around!!!
The Aces in Sri Lankan Metal scene!!!
and they're GOOD!!! VERY GOOD!!!
I don't know since when they got that (new) drummer of their's!!
I remember him from long ago.. i think he's from kandy... one of PE's friends or something like that... carrying water bottles and stuff!!! if i remember correctly... he always gave me an impression of a jackass... did a good job doing that too!! he's just a bit too much "wanna be" type!!! He fucking shows off more that Suresh himself!!!
He's ok with the drums though.. but there are better ppl around!!!
Ranil, the drummer, was playing for Picasso Recess before joining Stigies a couple of years back.
Have you talked to him? Because if you have, you won't be spewing the kind of crap you did about him because A) He's one of the most grounded individuals I know and; B)He's the type who is always on about how this drummer is so great and that drummer is so great. Modesty personified. "Wannabe" or whatever the fuck you called him, he isn't.
Remember the old adage about not judging a book by it's cover? You'll do well to learn that.
I was told there'd be plenty stiggie concerts coming up in July so I'm rather excited about that since I'll be in SL then! Also, Clancy's is oh, about 5 mins from where I live, wheee!
Well miss Theena... apparantly I have spoken to him... not only him... ALOT of ppl... I've seen and been with the best ppl on the scene... Not just the metal and rock scene. Other poplar local artist like the killer bee (that rap fellah), Mithra Kapuge, Kasun kalhara, even Mr. Suni Edirisinghe are some of the ppl that I personnaly know, been with and worked with.. so.. Pls... i know "popular" grounded ppl...
Anyway I think i can have my "opinion" on ppl till I find a reason to change it... if there is any...
And Darwin - I'll see u there... ;-)
That was an interesting review on the gig and it truly was a kick ass show. I was there, too.
However, I must agree with Theena. Calling someone a 'jackass' based on nothing but ignorance shows your lack of maturity and understanding. 'Showing off' (as you call it) is part of a musician's act. Drummers have every right to have fun on stage, just as much as guitarists and vocalists. Ranil and Suresh (and everyone else) put on an amazing show and entertained the crowd. Speaking of 'wannabes', as a musician myself, I only wish your friend Bumble Bee and the other stiffs from the local hip hop/pop scene had as much charisma and showmanship on stage; without resorting to playing dead or playing ape.
I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of drummers better than Ranil; just like there are humdreds of thousands of people with a higher intellect than you... does that mean you're an idiot? Maybe.
It's a shame hard-working musicians have to pay the price for your inability to tell the difference between 'arrogance' and 'determination'. I guess that makes you a jackass.
This is your blog and you're entitled to your opinion. But ain't it a bitch when a complete stranger comes in and calls you a jackass?
well... thackshila.... if u have spoken to jackie n u think he s a jackass... then frankly you do not know the meaning of jackass... so may i pls be of service n mail u a dictionary??
and another thing... pls do not insult jackie by comparing him to useless rappers who call themselves musicians... cos they are not.. they browse thru d net n download beats... jackie on the other hand sits for endless hours in front of a drumset n comes up wit his owns beats... this i know cos i ve seen myself.. rappers cant sing but jackie can do something cos when he played for picasso recess he did back up vocals...
n last of all suresh n jackie do not show off... they entertain... ask anyone, whose worthy for being asked n they will back my claim... n even if they do showoff i think they have the right to, cos those guys are nothing short of amazing.. i think u ve made a big mistake man... u insulted d wrong ppl...
well ppl if I'm hurting anyones feelings i'm sorry.. BUT... thats how i felt.. and thats about it...
and all those other musicians - well that was to say that its not nescessarily metal or rock.. it can be anything else... coz there are ppl who really are in love with hip hop and all ther popular/ unpopular genres... I hate hip hop.. but it doesnt mean that everyone else should.. or we should condemn those who are in it...
anyways... maybe jackass was a bit too much.. apologize from him and all the other readers for that... but thats how i felt.. maybe its wrong.. maybe my intellect is lower than all you higher mamals out there.. including Ranil himself.. but thats how I felt.. if you think thats wrong... I'm sorry that I felt that...
Nothing written on this page was out of hatred or anything else to insult a person... band, art or anything else... I did write how I felt... Think that happens when ur famous and all that shit... you're bound to be in the spotlight and for prainsing or critizising... it happens with the impressions that u make on other ppl... maybe I got a wrong impression!!!
and christina - there is nothing like wrong or right ppl.. In my life i've madef friends and pissed off both types.. and learned that there aint anyone who is right or wrong.. its a relative term..
Thakshila... U have clealry insulted the wrong type of people. Before I forget let me give you a piece of advice.In the future do NOT introduce yourself to anyone at gigs.. Plus, with your intelligence level I guess you'll be better comfortable at one of your 'killer bee rappers'.
Jackson is a very talented drummer. Stigs have come a long way thanks to the drum techniques that were contributed by jacky. Clearly you have no clue about this.
To add to it, it isn't called "showing off" That's called 'having a good time along with the audience'
Oh we do not condemn the other 'artistes' just because they choose hip hop.. Its just that they think the depth of their music is all about investing in good speakers! oh well, need i elaborate??!!!
Do yourself a favor, and choose your words carefully and pick a group of your own IQ level to bully...Trust me once the Stigmata Army hears this, you are in for it!
How does your foot taste buddy? Bow down four times in front of your copy of Serpentine and say I'm sorry Jacky' 50 times. That should redeem your soul.
Hey Thackshila ........... Obviously u dont kno Jackie, and if you did you wouldn't say what did. For your information, there is something known as Showmanship that every artist should inculcate in his/her carreer. Being a metalhead, showmanship is a must, even the two bands that you talk about in your blog entry - Iced earth and Maiden (if you have seen them live) have a lot of showmanship in them.
Showmanship is important for every artist to make sure that the crowd goes home talking about the performance. And most of all showmanship could also be to give stupid asses who speak through their rectum (like U) a BIG FUCK U.
Anyway thanks for coming for the show. Hope to see you again at the shows, and the next time try wearing a t shirt that says "i speak with me Rectum" so that we recognize you and fix your issue.
well thakshila...i think u did a very smart thing by calling ur blog "a small portion of my life" because the local scene seems to be like an extremely small portion of ur life...u clearly dont kno anything about jackson...first of all hes easily one of the best drummers around and if he wanted to be big headed i think he pretty fucking well deserve to be big headed...but he's not...hes one of the most down to earth people around...u clearly dont kno jack shit about rock n roll coz dude, its not called showing off, its called a STAGE ACT...and both jackson and suresh have their own stage acts which they do in their own dumb do u have to be to call a performer who is trying to stir up a crowd a show off? thats what a gud entertainer does you twit...
no offense to you or other musicians. stigmata is the best metalband in the country.all the band members in stigs are the best in their own respective intrument.!
About jackson,no jazz drummer or blues drummer in lanka can play over 200bpms in drums even if they do.they cant play double bass like jackson does. double bass is not everything what jazz drummers in our country would say true enough losers! i mean come on if you can play all 6strings in a guitar why play only four strings?add another bass drum lazy me what you got?
sure they will be drummers playing faster than jackson at the moment in black metal bands. (have you heard the new stiggie tracks. black metallers can hide in their tents with crosses. maybe put more make up so they can hide their faces up their asses) but they don't have much variations like jackson does. but await,
the new album of stigs is coming out i hear.. i heard jacki playing fucking fast during a wednesday rock company meeting.he was practicing a new song. hey my hero will screw you lil bubble panda drummer boys.
hiphop and any hopping and popping and jazzy sleepy people can do their thing. while sleeping and bein one gives two shits about them .losers. they dnt have die hard fans like me which stigs has. so fuck em'
let me see. whats the best option for you to make your blog get more and more hits - whats your solution for it???
smart but not wise...
Diss the best band in the country. am sure you have a band and you cant kick stiggies asses. jealous???
cause thats what everyother band has been trying to do for the past six seven years. i remember. being a die hard for ages now.
bands they fail missarably cause they are not genuine towards the music. it's art. And they dnt know their roots...well as for you ... if you know anything about music theory and timing.. u wnt be hanging around with people who deosnt know music...!
well grow up.. this will be a start for you.. understand music.. cause thats what you are lacking.... and live a honest life... stop bein a typical sri lankan...grow up..! no one gives two shits about your ideas... just cause you have a blog doesnt mean you can diss respected artist and bands in our country.. being a sri lankan.. why not support our own music...??? are you australian?????????
anyways just to letting you know that your are a loser.....!may your blog bring you peace though!
sri lankan metal rules.! and i will not stand and wait when you diss my fav band in the scene... fuck you..!Get a life.. all hail stigmata!
why not do reviews about tnlradio dummy bands..they just support bands when they become sell outs...;)am sure they rock cause all day they play boring anil type gay songs...i wnt be suprise if ya a tnlsucks am sorry "tnlrocks 101.3 suck balls and we will sellout fm cause we need money- lets promote whats popular and easy to listen to & has no musicallity in it cause anil is our programs manager - he will make the best playlist for the station everyday.. including his boring tracks which he has written to another guy" fan..
STIGMATA rules! Ranil is the best drummer in my list.! you know nothing about music how can you do a review about a band??? grow up..!
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